Wowzers Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!!!!!
Feliz Enero, Rocky Point….. I truly hope Santa was good to everyone and you had a fabulous New Year! As of this writing, the New Year has not arrived yet but I have some fun plans to walk around my resort to friend’s condos and do a rotating party by the hour. It sounds like a lot of fun to me……… I was a hair stressed out as I don’t cook well so I figured we’d start off at my place. After all, how hard is to serve champagne and a few hors d’oeuvres? So, hopefully I have it covered for an hour and my friends enjoy my attempt. I can do well with the bevvies having been a previous bartender a while ago in Newport Beach, California but having just got back from Champagne, France this summer, I think the champagne idea will be cool and try out some different types and brands. And mentioning trying new things out…… is the New Year so I put together a list of some things we need to try out this year in Rocky Point!
- Gather a group of friends over and have a tequila or vodka tasting party. My sister Vickie recently did a vodka tasting party for us while I was visiting her in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. She marked the bottom of the shot glass with a color corresponding to a chart only she had access to, and we got to sip each brand and choose which one we liked the best. It was fun and some people were a bit surprised as they were sure they could name their favorite vodka but joila, they were a bit confusio!
- Grab a friend and commit to a beach walk 3 or 4 times a week. We are blessed with incredible weather near year-round and a healthy walk on the beach can accomplish many things. You can grow closer with your buddy by sharing fun stories of the past, meet new friends and pets along the way, check out the tidal pools and the abundance of sea life in them as you go, collect some cool seashells and sea glass, pick up some trash so our beach looks even better for the next person and burn some calories as you go! Not a bad ticket at all……… hint for success…..set a time like 4:20 or high noon and be sure you are timely with your departure. Personally, I like to bang out my exercise in the morning so it frees up my day 😊.
- Make a movie night with a friend……. Make plans to have a weekly movie night by either going to the movies or taking turns choosing a movie on Netflix and watching it together. There have been plenty of movies that I never would have chosen to watch but agreed to go because a friend chose it and I’d be like, “WOW, who knew?” and would love it.
- Ask a friend to borrow a good book that they would recommend…… and visa versa. I have so many cool books that I would recommend and so many I would like to start. Reading keeps the mind fresh and young and tunes you out from our ever-constant electric world. So go old school, and grab a book and chill out. You will find that it is often just what your body and soul need.
- Try out a new restaurant….. we have an abundance of restaurants here in Rocky Point and it would be really hard to get to them all as there are new ones opening all the time. Personally, I need to get a little better at this as I often find some I like and hit repeat each time I want to go out to a restaurant. New Year’s goal………… try out some new restaurants. And for those on a budget, ask around for the specials on certain nights around town. There are incredible specials on everything from beer to shots to pizza to hamburgers to breakfast and bloodies.
- Do a deep clean and get rid of your clutter. There are many organizations you can find right here in the Rocky Point Times where you can drop off your excess clothes, blankets, furniture etc. What better way to do things and pay it forward to someone in need….especially when you really aren’t using the item. Getting rid of the clutter will also help you realize what you do have and some cool shirt or swim suit that you forgot about……. I actually have been known to find items with the tags still on hanging right there in my closet.
- Make a list of 3 things that you will accomplish in 2023. They could be anything from losing 5 pounds to finding a new mate to joining a new group in town to learn a new activity or to donate some time to an organization in need. Hang the reminder in a place that you will see it often to keep you on track and what your commitment to yourself is. I always say…….you owe it to yourself………..FRONT TO BACK!
- Host a gathering with friends to watch your favorite college or pro sports game. Have everyone bring a “regift present” to pass along to others…. I am often surprised that one’s person “junk” is another person’s “treasure”. You can have it themed or just come as you are……..the whole purpose is the gathering and to have fun!
- Take up an arts class and learn something new. A couple years back, my dear artist friend Yaya came over with 10 easels and paints and taught my friends and I how to paint a picture. It was quite amazing how good some of them were. Mine was average but I was still proud of it, and it hangs in my kitchen. Some other ideas are pottery, knitting, drawing/sketching, scrapbooking etc…… you can figure out one of them that is right for you.
- Say a regular prayer for a friend in need. We can all use all the help we can get and often a quick prayer to someone in need can do the trick for them and help them onto the right path.
So, here’s to 2023 and a blessed and fulfilling year! I wish everyone all the best in the coming year, and I look forward to seeing you on the beach!
As Nelson Mandela once said………“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Go forth and get it done 😊.