I’m so thankful I live in Peñasco, even more so this time of the year when Arizona is getting so freaking hot. Yes, I know, we have humidity, but we also have the glorious Sea of Cortez. We’re getting so spoiled here with all the great food choices, activities, freedom to roam – so many places to explore and things to do and most of them on the cheap compared to other vacation destinations. For (literally) a few bucks I can sit in an estuary and eat fresh oysters and crab tostadas. For the price of about four of my favorite coffee shop drinks, I can be spending hours on the Sea of Cortez watching a gorgeous sunset and probably spying some dolphins…dolphins! For the price of a few trips to the movie theater I can spend the day at Bird Island snorkeling with sea lions – that always blows my mind – and is so much fun. Most of you reading this can hop in your car, take a short drive, and take advantage of these same things. Why anyone would choose overcrowded lakes
or cootie-laden party pools or cootie-laden party pools on lakes is beyond me. Perhaps I’m just getting too old and crusty, but been there, done that, and more power to you if that’s your jam, but nah, I’ll take my Sea of Cortez over that mess any day of the week. Our ocean is gorgeous and clean, beach access is free, parking is free, and I can take my dog, Hooligan, to any beach – though for your sake I usually take him to beaches north of Peñasco where he can run free…why you ask?…his name pretty much explains it!
Speaking of being fortunate or spoiled or just darned lucky – last weekend I got to see Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers at Bandito’s and then catch The Black Moods at a private house party. Side story to that one – Mary, yes, that Mary, and I were supposed to see The Moods Friday night at Bandito’s before Clyne went on, but missed them because they started ON TIME (who does that in Mexico?) and we were across the street chowing down at Garufa Steakhouse…oops…our bad…but the food and wine were delish and we thoroughly enjoyed being backstage for the RCPM show…awesome!! It was Roger Clyne’s annual Circus Mexicus – a 4-day concert event, featuring a lot of live acts, that brings a lot of tourism to Rocky Point every year for which I’m not sure he receives the credit he’s deserving of. And it’s just one of the events that Clyne puts on during the year – and has for years. Back in the day, I used to attend their rooftop concerts at the Sunset Cantina and then bartended their first few shows when they moved their stage to the lot beside the Sunset as their crowds swelled…ah, good times! Since even before then, Roger has done so much for our town that has kind of gone unrecognized…so thank you to Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers for all that you do and have done and will continue to do! It was a great concert and I look forward to many more.
If concerts and great food weren’t enough for one weekend, Mary and I then packed the cooler with drinks and snacks, loaded the mutt, and headed to “my” beach north of Peñasco where we spent the day beachcombing, dodging tarantula wasps and chasing Hooli down prying dead fish from his jaws. Glorious day! And how fortunate are we!
July 4th holiday weekend is here which means the Sonoyta/Lukeville border hours have been extended until 10PM on Friday, July 1st and on Monday, July 4th giving everyone a few extra hours to get here and home safely.
I wanted to give Las Palomas a shout out for the work they’ve done on their Glorieta. The new lettering, lights and palm trees are very pretty, especially at night!
Be sure to read Marco n Amigos article this month and join in on the Rocky Point Times Photo Contest – you only have a month so get snapping.
Vince Deadmond’s article reminded me of “The Stingray Shuffle”. Stingray safety and jellyfish season have just become 2nd nature after living here so long, but for you newbies who aren’t used to stingrays and jellyfish (perhaps a couple reasons people prefer lakes and cootie party pools…hmmm), let’s introduce you to the shuffle. Now is the time we all head to the ocean to cool off so naturally stings by stingrays and jellyfish are on the rise. Obviously, you can see the bright blue jellyfish in the ocean – the first clue they are here is usually seeing them on the tideline as you walk the beach. Unlike the jellyfish, you can’t always see the stingrays because they burrow in the sand which is why we all do “The Stingray Shuffle”: Instead of walking normally in the ocean, you will want to dig your feet into the sand a bit and shuffle as you walk. When you walk normally, as opposed to shuffling, you can step on the back of a stingray which sends their stinging tail up nailing you in the back of the calf or ankle (think of a scorpion). If you shuffle your feet however, you will nudge them with your toes, and away they will skitter wanting nothing to do with you. It’s that simple. I don’t have any advice for jellyfish except avoid them – ewww – and if you ever want to learn to paddleboard do it during jellyfish season so then you’ll be sure not to fall off your board! If you are ever stung by a jellyfish or stingray, seek the help of our Red Cross (Cruz Roja) – their services are free of charge and donations are always welcome and encouraged. Our resorts all have first aid kids and can reach out to Cruz Roja for you.
Have a great July and see you in Rocky Point on the Sea of Cortez!