The end of the year is close at hand and now is the time to consider a tax deduction and a way to help the animals. Animal Adoption Center is a legitimate animal rescue and a 501©3 non-profit USA Corporation and registered with the IRS. If you have a vehicle to donate call Nancy at (638) 383-1012 or (602) 412-3932. Contact Nancy for information for your tax deduction. A big thank you to all of our animal friends that have helped for the last 12 years. It has been a long struggle with many hurdles but finally the city is working with spay clinics on a weekly basis. Our dream now is to have a state of the art facility to house adoptable dogs. We would like to raise enough money or find donated land to open a large facility, Animal Adoption Center has paved the way and made it possible for others to start rescue groups. It takes a village and we appreciate the help. We are truly pioneers. You can read about our many struggles over the years on our web site We are in the process of creating a new site since it is outdated but worth the read.
Pictured is Honor our volunteer of the month!! Honor hails from Colorado and visits with her Grandmother yearly at Sandy Beach. Honor loves to visit and play with the animals. Here she is with one of the kittens. August is a slow month for volunteers and we appreciate Honor when she visits – as do the babies.
Available to adopt!
Blue was found two weeks ago – so thin and hungry. He is eating well, loves it here with his many friends including the cats and kittens. He will be available for adoption once he is healthy. He follows me everywhere and will make a wonderful addition to a good family.
Canine Ehrlichiosis – Tick Fever
Ticks and tick fever are a common problem here in Puerto Peñasco. Spraying is important to keep the infestation under control. We spray every month and twice a month in the summer. We purchase the liquid spray at San Ramon out on the highway.
Ehrlichia is very common and very treatable. One symptom is pale gums which indicates anemia.
The brown dog tick passes the Ehrlichia organism into the dog’s blood stream when it bites. If your dog tests positive, request doxycycline, a part of the tetracycline family of antibiotics.
Needs for the animals and the center:
Cleaning supplies, medium leashes and collars, paper towels, bleach, Downy, dry kitten food. Canned Pate cat food, canned dog food, trash bags of all sizes, dog treats, large metal bowls, baby blankets and laundry soap
We can purchase Kirkland dog, puppy and cat dry food here at Weltons. Weltons is located at the signal to the police station across from Sams club. Please send checks to AACORP PO Box 1031, Lukeville AZ 85341. You can also donate on our facebook page or web site
Any legitimate charity will have a tax (EIN) number that they can issue to you for the IRS. Please consider a monthly donation.
Visit us on facebook. A big thank you to all that help the animals. Without your help we could not continue our work helping the animals of Rocky Point.