It was a very successful day at the stadium in April on Childrens Day here in Mexico. Over 25 dogs were adopted. Great fun was had by all.
Next month we will have the results of the May spay/neuter clinic to be held on May 27th and 28th.
We are hoping to take Sandy to Arizona this month to have his eyes removed from the Glaucoma. Sandy is a young and very playful dog. He gets along with the other dogs and seems to do just fine finding his way around the center even though he is blind.. I make choices for each dog based on their age and quality of life. Sandy does not need to be put down as a few have suggested. I am blind in one eye and if I do not have my contact in the good eye then I am almost totally blind, so I can relate to Sandy. The dogs with Cancer usually let me know when they are ready, or the pain is obvious, and then I will put them down. These are the choices that I make. When Jim Schwebel offered to pay for my trip to Arizona and to have Sandy seen by a specialist – the decision was made.
On the way to Arizona I was about 20 miles outside of Puerto Peñasco when I saw a black Lab sitting under a tree. He was looking from left to right as if he was waiting for the person who had dropped him off to come back. I could not pick him up as I had to cross the border, but made a mental note of an old building about a mile north of the tree. On Thursday (2 days later) I returned before dark to see if I could find him. There he was, still waiting. I pulled under the tree and he ran over to the car. As I opened the back door he jumped in with Sandy and they slept all the way home. It was a tight fit as the car was full of supplies along with Sandy who is 60 lbs. Radar is now at his new home at the center. He is a sweet, lovable dog. Radar was neutered last week and is starting to put on weight.
Kitten season is here and we have a few beautiful babies ready for adoption. Pictured are two of the three Siamese and their Tiger litter mate. Three little black and one black and white also joined the center this week. Consider adding a pair or kittens to your family. Having two gives them each a playmate when you are gone.
Land for a Sanctuary
We have tried unsuccessfully to purchase land both here in Mexico and in Arizona, with problems arising with all of them— no title, flood zone, price change etc. We are ready to approach this again and need your help. We want to open a Sanctuary in the Phoenix area and eventually get the cats out of Mexico, along with a dozen or so dogs that cannot be adopted. There are many horse properties available now at reasonable prices This economy is a perfect time to purchase a place for a Sanctuary for the animals and we have set up the account for this. Please contact Nancy if you are interested in helping with this project. We are a 501©3 Tax Exempt Arizona Corporation. Due to the slowing down of visitors to Mexico the adoption rate has fallen off tremendously and we need to continually get the dogs to a Sanctuary or they face a certain death. The existing city shelter keeps the dogs for three days and then they are euthanized, if not claimed by their owners.
The city is out of funds to purchase medicine to euthanize the animals. Las Conchas has donated about $500 for this, but they need money monthly. Call Dr. Marco or Mario at the city if you are interested in helping (011-52-638) 388-5152. The city also needs medications for the monthly clinics.
Money for the center expenses, which are over $3,000usd per month, is always needed, as well as for the medical bills, medications and supplies.
- Dry dog, puppy, and cat food – Kirkland brand from Costco
- Canned cat and kitten food ***
- Dry kitten food ***
- Cat liter – non-clumping ****
- Liter pan liners
- Cleaning supplies including paper towels, bleach, disinfectant, laundry detergent and Downy
- Flea and Tick spray and collars
- Albon and Panacur
- A big ‘Thank You’ to all that are helping the animals.
Please bring all supplies and donations to the center – just follow the map to the right. We do not receive donations that are left in other locations. We are just behind and to the left (north) of the mission which was the old Villa Granada Hotel, a very popular 50’s dance spot years ago !
Please remember that I am only one person and it may take me a few minutes to get to the front gate. I may be on the computer, in the cat house or in the back with Sam and Rosie. Many times when I get to the gate, people are already driving off. Of course it is best if I know when you are coming but otherwise please give me time to respond !!!! The best time to visit the center to see the animals is Monday and Thursday afternoon, when Antonio is here helping.
Remember Antonio and his horses. He is the “Horse Whisperer”. Are you interested in having a party or gala, and want horses for any special occasion, please call Antonio. He is in Las Conchas Friday, Saturday and Sunday with his young boys. Please make sure that it is Antonio who is providing the rides. His cell number is (044-638) 110-7586, from the USA dial (011-521-638) 110-7586.
AACORP is a 501(c)3 non profit corporation, and your donations are a tax deduction.
Nancy Phelan
‘Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them’…Dr. Ihor Basko, DVM
Mexico (011-52-638) 383-1012
Phoenix (602) 412-3932, Tucson (520) 407-6594
AACORP INC 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt
PO Box 1031
Lukeville, AZ 85341